Group Meal Ordering Process:
Order Cancellation and Refund Policy:
- For order cancellation that is made 14 working days before the meal date, 100% of payment will be refunded. Within 8 to 13 working days, 50% of payment will be refunded. Less than 7 working days, payment will not be refunded.
- Should the Food Hub be temporary closed due to extreme weather or other unforeseeable situations, booking on the day will be cancelled automatically with 100% refund of payment.
- In relation to a projection of ‘extreme weather conditions’ on the meal serving date, applicants can seek 100% refund ONLY if food order is cancelled in writing at no less than 24‐hour before the meal time. ‘Extreme weather condition’ is defined as the projection of Typhoon Signal No.8 or above and/or Black Rainstorm Signal on the date of concern by the Hong Kong Observatory.
- Except for situations of extreme weather conditions that are mentioned above, any order rescheduling or order cancellation must be arranged with mutual agreement between the Food Hub and the application no less than 14 working days prior to the service date.
- Catering service will be arranged as per the booking details that is confirmed. The Food Hub reserves the right to decline additional request.
- In case of any dispute, the decision of Food Hub shall be final and binding.
Application Detail